Monday, 1 February 2010

I'm Dying.

I'm very drained and tired and have a cold and a cough and sneezies! eurghh! I feel awful, still hasn't stopped me paining though! I think I may have to upload this one tonight I'm not sure, I want to speak to John first and get his opinion. It might have to wait for now!

I want March to come, firstly and most importantly, GaGa, I really can't fucking wait, my heart pounds just thinking about it! Secondly I can't wait to relive my childhood as Pokemon is re-releasing Silver and Gold, I love it. Thirdly i might of lost a bit of weight too because I need to get into my shirt for GaGa, I can just SQUEEZE into it now, I want it to be comfortable.

I'm thinking of going job hunting, I would love to work just once a day doing something for a decent wage that I won't mind doing, why do I have to be so fussy? MONey is shit. I hate it. -BL

1 comment:

  1. join the army burty... your ill and the army has exellent healh care facilities, youll sharp get rid of some junk and fit in that shirt, well paid and youll see lots of things to inspire your art. al post ya some paper work to sighn and your in :D x
