My friend Vanda stupidly agreed to let me sit and draw her for "5 minutes" which turned into half an hour because she had work to do so i had to be quick, but the middle one is the original the rest were done on photoshop using different tools, as you may of guessed Andy Warhol inspired me a great deal, he's amazing! I love his work, I was writing about how twitter was the preferred social networking site in modern society because people can follow there favorite celebrities and musicians, it's also given the fans a deeper insight into what a "normal" day consists for them and allows them to be alot closer. The joys of the 21st century, eh?
I've got GaGa's melody of Monster, Bad Romance and Speechless that she performed on Oprah blasting in the background. Her amazing punk-esque outfit amazing, not to even mention the hair, simply WOW! She's a pop star who performs and dresses like a rock-star! Its friday today can't wait for the weekend! a great time to relax and be free, beautiful! -BL
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