Oh, just a quick self portrait, I like it, I've captured me. i tried it in different media and nothing looks as good as a sharpie, Love It. Hope you like it as much as me! -BL
Sunday, 31 January 2010
Day 10: Self-Portrait
Oh, just a quick self portrait, I like it, I've captured me. i tried it in different media and nothing looks as good as a sharpie, Love It. Hope you like it as much as me! -BL
Saturday, 30 January 2010
Day 9: MONster/MONey
Yes Bronwen, I've been feeling inspired!
I've been in a great mood today even though I have this cold! my nose is constantly trickling snots its lovely. I've been watching some Marilyn Manson interviews he's such a great character, and very intelligent he has a very dark sense of humor which i find hilarious! I really love the way he shocks people, he's an amazing shock artist and I can't wait to watch Phantasmagoria a film which he directed about the life of C.S. Lewis the author, it looks dark and exciting! he's really given me a perspective and help resolve some confused issues, there are still somethings that need to be sorted but on the whole I'm happy and that's all that matters in my books. I've been painting for the past 2 and half hours, I'm covered head to toe, but it's been fun! when it's dry I'll upload one for your enjoyment! I done 2 paintings and It's really hard to decide which one to put up!
Tonight I'm going out going to get shit faced on the love of my life, Jagermesiter, it's beautiful! I really can't wait been looking forward to this all week, think I might hop in the shower while I'm waiting for my Masterpieces to dry, haha. I'm feeling good, and think tonight maybe a very good night indeed! -BL
Tonight I'm going out going to get shit faced on the love of my life, Jagermesiter, it's beautiful! I really can't wait been looking forward to this all week, think I might hop in the shower while I'm waiting for my Masterpieces to dry, haha. I'm feeling good, and think tonight maybe a very good night indeed! -BL
Friday, 29 January 2010
God is pure energy we draw from when we want to. So much suffering of human & animal is caused by relilgion.Religion is made by men. -Yoko Ono
Religion is stupid, even the wise Yoko Ono says so, even though I knew this along time ago I never really knew how to put into words and when i saw that quote the other day It was a huge WOW, took the words from my head and put them onto paper. I've heard so many smart things today and i feel so confused, I don't know what direction I want to take and everything is so confusing! Marilyn Manson is a Genius, simple as he is a very intelligent and smart human being, I really like him, Ignore the shit I said earlier.
Don't people piss you off who are 23 years old and have girlfriends of like 16, oh and the rest of you with such aspirations to spew off mixing to much alcohol and drugs or "IM HARDER THAN YOU BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T KNOCK ME OUT, EURGHAHAHA" and they still drink on the streets like you did when you where 14, and had the AUDACITY to make snide jabs towards me thinking I wouldn't get it. Fucking Moron! Just because of my sexuality why the fuck does that have to do with anything IDIOT, grow up. You don't fucking know me, and basically if where going on pre-judgments I'm a MUCH better person that you in every way possible. Aren't people so stupid they piss you off so, so much? How to parents even allow their children to be so fucking stupid?
I need to let somethings out. -BL
Religion is stupid, even the wise Yoko Ono says so, even though I knew this along time ago I never really knew how to put into words and when i saw that quote the other day It was a huge WOW, took the words from my head and put them onto paper. I've heard so many smart things today and i feel so confused, I don't know what direction I want to take and everything is so confusing! Marilyn Manson is a Genius, simple as he is a very intelligent and smart human being, I really like him, Ignore the shit I said earlier.
Don't people piss you off who are 23 years old and have girlfriends of like 16, oh and the rest of you with such aspirations to spew off mixing to much alcohol and drugs or "IM HARDER THAN YOU BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T KNOCK ME OUT, EURGHAHAHA" and they still drink on the streets like you did when you where 14, and had the AUDACITY to make snide jabs towards me thinking I wouldn't get it. Fucking Moron! Just because of my sexuality why the fuck does that have to do with anything IDIOT, grow up. You don't fucking know me, and basically if where going on pre-judgments I'm a MUCH better person that you in every way possible. Aren't people so stupid they piss you off so, so much? How to parents even allow their children to be so fucking stupid?
I need to let somethings out. -BL
Day 8: ART?
Basically I've had a day where i don't know things and everything is confusing and I've had so many thoughts. I really am feeling a bit lost at the moment, I don't feel like my skills are as good as they can be and I don't feel 100% with myself. I like to provoke, I like to get a reaction, I like pushing peoples buttons. I want people to question their own beliefs and opinions. But how do i do this, I think over the next few days I need to figure things out. I hope you like my amazing piece of art, Enjoy it. -BL
Thursday, 28 January 2010
Day 7: Evil Eye
It's a painting I done of an eye off the top of my head. For me I really like eyes, they are one of the most defining features of a person, you can tell someone's age, what people are thinking and tell you alot about a person. The reason i called it "Evil Eye" was because I was watching some lame video on youtube of some stupid christian ranting on how the music business is operated by the Devil, some people are so stupid, don't they just make you laugh? If you want to watch the video yourself the link is: http://www.youtube.com/user/ThePopCulturePastor#p/u/17/oFjMJsS_qFc
Really this guy is a HUGE moron, he wastes his time, and is a complete an idiot. FACT. -BL
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Day 6 (ish): Luscious Lips
Today is my 8" x 6" canvas of a section of lips, I didn't want to focus on the whole thing because the canvas was so small I couldn't put much detail on. The reason why I done lips? Simple. The bigger the better. I Love lips, huge big red-lipstick lips are such a turn-on, I think it's the closest thing to a fetish I've got, Oh apart from bondage (Joking. They don't call me Joseph Wilkinson haha). I believe it was Warhol who said "People look the most kissable when they're not wearing make-up. Marilyn's Lips weren't kissable, but they were photographable." In my opinion i completely disagree, the redder the better, and of course more kissable! Maybe our societies just changed since the 1970's who knows? -BL
Right. No Bull Shit.
I really have hated the way I've been analyzing my work, its all rubbish, I painted a pretty picture (Day 5: Sorrow) because thats how the music made me feel at the time with a chorus of "Fuck you, Fuck You, Fuck You" it's not exactly going to make me ecstatic, I have over analyzed my own work and it's not the real reason i painted that picture. I painted that picture through creativity, spontaneousness and the passion I have for both art and music. NOT because of the bull shit I threw up earlier, I sound like an idiot! It's just not me and to be true to this project this is all about me. It's all about me and I'm not going to give some over the top, deep psychoanalysis of why i decided to paint something, I paint something because I feel inspired, through the heat of the moment, not because of the babble i wrote a few days ago! I sound like one of those stupid american people who think they're right an try to argue the toss by going into to much detail and sound like idiots.
On a lighter note I'm going to update my day 6 piece, we can pretend that there wasn't a gap, It wasn't my fault anyways! And a blue fur coat was calling my name on monday (which I didn't get, Like I'm a size 10 hahahaha) so I didn't have time to do it at college, Enjoy regardless and thanks for reading me rant at myself for being a simple dick, ha. -BL
On a lighter note I'm going to update my day 6 piece, we can pretend that there wasn't a gap, It wasn't my fault anyways! And a blue fur coat was calling my name on monday (which I didn't get, Like I'm a size 10 hahahaha) so I didn't have time to do it at college, Enjoy regardless and thanks for reading me rant at myself for being a simple dick, ha. -BL
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
I just got my internet fixed when I was out, just got in the house now! everything will resume tomorrow and I am really sorry for not updating my blog!
Its very late and there's much i need to type but will do it tomorrow and resume as usual! -BL
Its very late and there's much i need to type but will do it tomorrow and resume as usual! -BL
Monday, 25 January 2010
Day 6 & 7: Internets down at home!
Sorry but i intend on getting my internet fixed tonight so i can upload more work! what a time for it to happen! Typical!
Saturday, 23 January 2010
Day 5: Sorrow
When I was painting this piece I was listening to Marilyn Manson - The Lest We Forget The Best Of, I really like his music and i like him as an artist. His early work is relating to a really misunderstood teen audience who are going through a great deal of hardships, its basically an acknowledgement of the hardships and Mr.Manson is saying he knows exactly what he was going through, basically I was thinking of how everyone goes through a rough time in there life and all they want to do is just let it all out and feel released. This is what I had in mind when i was painting this and I think I've captured the darker side of puberty, The painting is focusing on the everyone who is or has went through there teenage years feeling hurt, neglected or abused, So i wanted to keep the person to be quite androgynous in the way it looked, I didn't want gender to be a focus I wanted it to be universal. The background of the piece is to represent the darkness and negativity we've all had in our lives and when your driven to despair that's all you feel is around you, this constant swirl of anger, rage and loneliness. In the end you always feel alright, thats why there's a white ring around the teen to show never fully get consumed by the negativity, there is always and everything is always Ok in the end.
To get more information on Marilyn Manson, wether it be for his music, his film making or his fine art his website is http://www.marilynmanson.com/ but you must be of at least 18 years of age. He truly is a great artist and creates a great atmosphere in what ever he maybe doing. I like the fact when i was younger I wasn't allowed to listen to his music, my families not really religious or anything, but when your told not to do something and it basically means you've got to do it anyways, I think that's another reason why I like him, I'm rebelling. -BL
Friday, 22 January 2010
Boys & Girls, Step Right Up! Do We Have A Treat In-Store For You!
Been working hard for the past 3 hours, blood, sweat and acrylic! I was so tired to even start with, nevermind now! I really, REALLY hate waiting for paint to dry. It is so annoying!! But I have 2 and a bit pieces on the go which are looking quite dandy! I'm excited and prepared for the weekend! hopefully my painting will be dry, just keeping you informed! -BL
Day 4: Vanda Series

My friend Vanda stupidly agreed to let me sit and draw her for "5 minutes" which turned into half an hour because she had work to do so i had to be quick, but the middle one is the original the rest were done on photoshop using different tools, as you may of guessed Andy Warhol inspired me a great deal, he's amazing! I love his work, I was writing about how twitter was the preferred social networking site in modern society because people can follow there favorite celebrities and musicians, it's also given the fans a deeper insight into what a "normal" day consists for them and allows them to be alot closer. The joys of the 21st century, eh?
I've got GaGa's melody of Monster, Bad Romance and Speechless that she performed on Oprah blasting in the background. Her amazing punk-esque outfit amazing, not to even mention the hair, simply WOW! She's a pop star who performs and dresses like a rock-star! Its friday today can't wait for the weekend! a great time to relax and be free, beautiful! -BL
Thursday, 21 January 2010
Day 3: Freedom
I had no idea what to draw today.. oh god! that's bad it's just the third day in! eventually an hour ago whilst listening to the marvel that is Klaus Nomi, I was just thinking how amazing he would be to see performing live if only he was alive, and I was reading an old interview with him from 1980 and he told the reporter that he approaches everything as an alien, it's what allowed him to get away with many things. It just made me think of how free he was as a person and how free I would like to be. The tiny amount of insperation i had gathered today was from Antonio Lopez who is a fashion illustrator and his work is very good, he uses very phsycodelic colours and amazing silouettes which gave me the idea for a curvy nude woman, because in my opinion a womans body is one of the best pieces of art ever made, it has inspired so many things throughout history.
I really, really, really, really want to go to a house party and meet lots of new people and just have a good time and dance the night away! I really hate how much money restricts you as a person, its not a nice thing at all. -BL
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Day Two: Nu-Goth Fashion Illustration
I was up until 2 AM this morning designing lots of things and doing some sketches, this is my favourite one. The focus was to be on the garment, so i do apologize for the disproportionate face. Also I stupidly drew the face too high up. The idea i got for the head piece well it originally started off as a pair of lips which then turned into some sort of neck brace, then i decided to make some sort of hood from it and earlier on I was watching the music video for The Nobodies (by Marilyn Manson) and in a scene he has theese long spindly branch-like fingers and i thought it would be a good idea to extend the head into theese branches to show a tree slowly dying, with bare twisted branches. to get this rough and ready effect i thought it would be a great idea to stick to something simple like a biro to give them rough, edgy lines. I added a little raven like bird onto the "Model's" shoulder too show a darker side because black birds are often a omen that something bad is going to happen, thats if your superstitious of course.
On a kind of unrelated note I would just like to say how much I'm loving Klaus Nomi at the moment, he's really inspiring me at the moment, too bad he's still not around, he was amazing. check out some of his songs on youtube, here's the link too one of my favourite: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNahvGXVWl0&feature=related
Enjoy. -BL
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
This might be out of the blue but...
Does someone know a good bondage website so i can go to a party on saturday night? -BL
Does someone know a good bondage website so i can go to a party on saturday night? -BL
Day 1: Burt Lewi Title
Well the titles at the top op the page... I was just experimenting with different techniques and I like this very antique feel to the peice and leave it very monotone, also their is a hidden message in it! Try and figure what it is! -BL
Imagine - John Lennon
Imagine - John Lennon
Monday, 18 January 2010
Just a little reminder Don't forget to follow me on twitter if you can or if you want to be kept updated with the little things I will be tweeting throughout the day! xx
New Year, New Routine.
With it being new year i'm trying to do alot of things at the moment like loosing weight, exercising more, eating healthy, being more creative, being more spontanious and being more positive... Now I'm going to try and fit in the time to do my new project which is -
A new work of art every day for the next 3 months
it's going to start tomorrow (19th January 2010 - 19th April 2010)
my first task is going to be to come up with a logo for my blog
as you can tell I DESPERATELY need one haha!
Well wish me good luck, I've also taken on a mini-project to help help up coming rapper Sue Short design her Logo.
So busy busy busy as well as trying to do my college work and have an active social life! don't you love the challanges you set yourself?
With it being new year i'm trying to do alot of things at the moment like loosing weight, exercising more, eating healthy, being more creative, being more spontanious and being more positive... Now I'm going to try and fit in the time to do my new project which is -
A new work of art every day for the next 3 months
it's going to start tomorrow (19th January 2010 - 19th April 2010)
my first task is going to be to come up with a logo for my blog
as you can tell I DESPERATELY need one haha!
Well wish me good luck, I've also taken on a mini-project to help help up coming rapper Sue Short design her Logo.
So busy busy busy as well as trying to do my college work and have an active social life! don't you love the challanges you set yourself?
New Decision, New Direction.
In case you havn't realized im getting very bored of keeping an online diary... It's not really that fun... I've even stopped my hand written one because i was becoming even more restless and creative at night than usual, a lack of sleep is NOT GOOD!!
I'm thinking of new ways to keep my blog interesting, I've been brainstorming some ideas and in a few days i should have a finalized idea of what i want to do... Will keep you posted with any changes either via my blog or twitter, speak yo you soon xx
I'm thinking of new ways to keep my blog interesting, I've been brainstorming some ideas and in a few days i should have a finalized idea of what i want to do... Will keep you posted with any changes either via my blog or twitter, speak yo you soon xx
Saturday, 2 January 2010
I'm so god damn happy!
Yoko Ono answered my question that i sent her out of the like 100 she had she picked mine!
I’m 18 years of age and im discovering myself, i have so many options and so many passions i don’t know what to do. I’m going through a period of change and i was wondering if you had any advice on how i get through this?
You get through it regardless. It’s probably not up to you, but your destiny. Try to become 19 without adding any trouble you don’t have yet.
Damn twitters character restriction, but i tried to say what i wanted.
she gave me alot of answers even though its only a sentence, the whole destiny thing,
I know what I'm going to do in life, I want to be myself, free and enjoy it! Just so happy
she picked me, I would like to thank her from the bottom of my heart!
What a Great start to 2010,
Oh By the way HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Yoko Ono answered my question that i sent her out of the like 100 she had she picked mine!
I’m 18 years of age and im discovering myself, i have so many options and so many passions i don’t know what to do. I’m going through a period of change and i was wondering if you had any advice on how i get through this?
You get through it regardless. It’s probably not up to you, but your destiny. Try to become 19 without adding any trouble you don’t have yet.
Damn twitters character restriction, but i tried to say what i wanted.
she gave me alot of answers even though its only a sentence, the whole destiny thing,
I know what I'm going to do in life, I want to be myself, free and enjoy it! Just so happy
she picked me, I would like to thank her from the bottom of my heart!
What a Great start to 2010,
Oh By the way HAPPY NEW YEAR!
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